ICSEBS 2016 – Publikasi Penelitian dan Demo Robot Seni Tari

Jika sebelumnya robot tari “Doi” dan “Brew” sering diundang dan berkompetisi di luar kampus, kali ini kami akan menyemarakkan acara ICSEBS 2016 yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Terapan. Acara yang berlangsung mulai 28 November hingga 1 Desember 2016 ini memiliki penjelasan sebagai berikut :

The conference with the theme “Green Technology, Culture and Humanity” is a platform to gather experts, academicians, practitioners, and researchers to enhance correlation between research, academics and socio-cultural interactions.
This conference should also enhance the interaction Universities, Governments, Private Sectors and Non-Government Agencies to empower their contribution to the environment and communities for better world.

Narsis dulu di depan backdrop ICSEBS 2016.


Stand pameran ROBOTIC SAS di Aula FIT lt.4.

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